21 March 2019
9:30-15:00 CET
Designed for EU public affairs professionals, this seminar will focus on the practical aspects of EU decision-making, how to influence it and what will be some of the main issues influencing EU legislation (policy-wise and procedurally) in 2019.
Featured Topic & Speakers
Key topics include:
- How to influence decision-making inside the European Commission, Council and Parliament
- Trilogues: Timeline, participants, information sources and lobbying
- Regulatory implementing and delegated acts (“comitology”) in practice
- Mapping stakeholders and developing an advocacy strategy
Martin Bresson
Managing Partner
Rud Pedersen
Public Affairs
András Baneth
Managing Director,
European Office
Public Affairs Council
Event Location
Square Ambiorix 7,
B-1000, Brussels,
Registration closed.