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Where to Start

A Guide to Maximize your Membership

Choose a starting path according to your career level

With so many benefits it’s hard to know where to start. Let us help.

Emerging Professionals
  1. Watch the Membership Orientation video
  2. Find and watch core educational recordings.
  3. Register for a webinar (free for members) or find other events.
  4. Find out which staff expert you can contact to answer the questions in your field.
  5. Post a question and crowd source ideas in our online community.
  6. Level-up your career by enrolling in a certificate program.
  7. Learn about the trending issues in public affairs through the Impact newsletter.
Manager Level
  1. Watch and encourage your team to view the Membership Orientation video
  2. Familiarize yourself with the recordings available to you and your team.
  3. Register for a webinar (free for members) or find other events.
  4. Find out which staff expert you can contact to answer the questions in your field.
  5. Post a question and crowd source ideas in our online community.
  6. Enhance your leadership skills by enrolling in a certificate program.
  7. Speak at one of our events.
  8. Enroll your team in Membership Plus+ for unlimited access to Council workshops.
Senior Level
  1. Attend and network at gatherings geared toward senior-level professionals and view other programs and resources.
  2. Nominate yourself or a peer for a seat on the Council’s Board of Directors.
  3. View our thought leadership resources – research and Impact newsletter.
  4. Speak at our events.
  5. Ensure your organization is recognized for the work you do.
  6. Enroll your team in Membership Plus+ for unlimited access to Council workshops.

Membership Benefits Built for Your Team

Executive Education

Every year, we produce more than 100 training programs and executive forums on advocacy, digital communication, PACs, global public affairs and a host of other topics. Most of our events now offer virtual participation — and recordings from our popular webinars are also available at no additional cost!

Expertise from Council Staff

No question is too small or too large for our staff experts. Council members can contact our team with all their public affairs inquiries. Experts are also available for customized training and presentations to your employees or members.

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Team Training (Membership Plus+)

Membership Plus+ is an inclusive training option available to all member organizations. This member benefit gives your entire organization access to over 45 Council workshops annually for a flat price of $3,000 in addition to your normal membership dues. Not only would your organization save thousands of dollars in registration fees, your team also will have streamlined access to top-notch professional development opportunities.  

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Free Legal Guidance

Find compliance peace of mind from a prominent election law attorney. Ken Gross of Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld can provide legal guidance on: Federal and state campaign finance rules (including PACs), lobbying registration information (including grassroots), ethics laws and other public affairs-related compliance issues.

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Certificate Programs

The Council has certificates designed to prepare you for what’s next. The programs follow rigorous curricula focused on building core knowledge, developing strategic skills and community involvement.

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Industry Research

The Council's extensive thought leadership library includes the profession's leading benchmarking data on PACs, corporate public affairs and salaries. Other research focuses on social impact and corporate engagement on social issues, crisis communication, trends in European public affairs and more. The Public Affairs Pulse Survey, an annual public opinion poll, explores public attitudes and expectations for major companies and elected officials.

In-Depth News & Analysis

From the award-winning Impact newsletter that dives deep into issues important to public affairs professionals to The Loop member newsletter to information for network groups, we have the trends and insights you need, right now.

Read News & Articles

Connect and learn from other public affairs professionals about their ideas, challenges and solutions.

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Benchmarking & Consulting

The Council’s strategic consulting and benchmarking services give you the tools to improve your public affairs activities, getting more impact from less time and fewer resources. The Council’s expertise spans strategic planning and measurement, internal and external communication, political action committees, stakeholder engagement, grassroots activation and mobilization and global public affairs.

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Speaking Opportunities

Interested in speaking at one of our workshops, seminars or large gatheringsWe’re always looking for experts and practitioners from member organizations to speak on thought-provoking topics of interest to the public affairs community.

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Leadership Opportunities

Distinguish yourself as an industry leader.

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Get recognized for the important work you do.

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Caryn Seligman
Senior Director
202.787.5966 | [email protected]

Unlimited executive education available to your whole team, for one low price.