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January 11, 2018
5:30 - 7:30 p.m. EST
Blackfinn Ameripub
1620 I St. NW
Washington, DC 20006
Celebrate the start of 2018 with the Political Involvement Network! Join us for conversation, networking and drinks with your fellow public affairs professionals.
This event will include a cash bar – all are welcome to attend (regardless of Public Affairs Council membership)!
Click here to RSVP
[vc_toggle title=”Click here to expand”]Questions? Contact Casey Mensinger at 202.787.5961 or cmensinger@pac.org[/vc_toggle]A big thank you to our event co-hosts:
[vc_toggle title=”Expand”]- Greg Knopp
American Council of Engineering Companies
Chair, Political Involvement Network - Brendan Adams
Corning Inc. - Avelyn Austin
RepEquity - Rae Ann Bevington
ACA International - Navneet Buttar
American Gastroenterological Association - Angela Chiappetta
DDC Public Affairs - Atalie Ebersole
Grant Thornton LLC - Dan Ekstein
SAGAC Public Affairs - Lauren Facemire
National Association of REALTORS - Christopher Fletcher
HMS - Vanessa French
Beekeeper Group - Lesli Gooch
Manufactured Housing Institute - Jeff Hartgen
MultiState Associates Inc. - Illy Jaffer
BP America Inc. - Meera Kallupura
American Optometric Association - Vanessa Kermick
Air Line Pilots Association, International - Michael Matlack
American Physical Therapy Association - Megan McCoskey
CQ Roll Call - Claire McDonough
Cision Government Relations - Jason McGonigle
Public Affairs Support Services - Adam Melis
Aristotle International - Kelly Memphis
American College of Cardiology - Kirk Monroe
Rasky Partners - Gary Nuzzi
Adfero - Lizanne Sadlier
VOX Global - Monica Spaller
CHS Inc. - Anna Tupy
FiscalNote - Paul Van Remortel
Intermarkets, Inc. - Megan Vijiarungam
American Academy of Ophthalmology - Yvette Williams
Johnson & Johnson