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Virtual Roundtable – The Art & Science of Creating a Public Affairs Plan

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Virtual Roundtable

Free for PAC members
28 January 2021, 12:00 (Brussels)
Duration: 1 hour

Creating and implementing a public affairs plan is one of the most critical skills for public affairs professionals to possess. Join this lunchtime roundtable for an online conversation on good practices and to hear expert insights on the key steps for success rooted in science and practice.


Featured Topic & Speakers

In this lunchtime exchange, experts and practitioners Aaron McLoughlin and Dr Iskander De Bruycker will share the key takeaways from their most recent practitioner paper, “The public affairs plan: Seven steps to success rooted in science and practice”.

Focusing on four priority areas and a seven-step approach to devising a successful public affairs plan, Aaron and Iskander will present strategic insights as well as practical tips that professionals can immediately apply to their specific industries and organizations.

This will be a virtual peer-to-peer discussion where participants will have the chance to hear from speakers, ask questions, as well as exchange views, lessons learned, and good practices.

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Aaron McLoughlin
Senior Advisor

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Iskander De Bruycker
Assistant Professor in EU Politics and Policy
University of Maastricht


Registration closed.

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