Free for PAC members
24 March 2022
12:00 CET (Brussels)
24 March 2022
12:00 CET (Brussels)
European policy-makers, national governments and public opinions are increasingly demanding that companies adopt sustainable practices and meet ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria. Join this webinar to hear how two European organisations are addressing the public affairs challenges and identifying new opportunities that emerge from this new environment.
Featured Topic & Speakers
In this program, you will gain insight into:
- What are some of the most recent trends in the Sustainability portfolio affecting European organisations?
- How are different industries adapting to new EU regulations and to rising political as well as public expectations?
- What are some of the challenges, possible solutions as well as opportunities offered by an increased focus on Sustainability?
- Tips, examples and lessons learned for public affairs teams in Brussels and other European capitals
Simon Tribelhorn
CEO at Liechtenstein
Bankers Association
Adam McCarthy
Cobalt Institute
Registration closed.