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Webinar Sponsorships

The Council’s webinars and virtual programming continue to grow. Webinars average more than 150 registrants and often exceed 200. It’s an opportunity for your organization to be connected to the profession’s leading executive education.

Benefits of webinar sponsorship include:

  • Your company logo and link on the webinar page on
  • List of attendees (name/title/company) that doesn’t include contact information.
  • Verbal acknowledgment at start and conclusion of webinar by host.
  • Company logo and web address on the opening slides.
  • Logo included in recorded version of on-demand webinar.
  • Company logo with link on marketing email promoting the webinar.
  • Company logo with link on the registration confirmations sent out by the Council when someone registers for the webinar.
  • Sponsor message in follow-up email sent registered attendees after the webinar, including contact information.

Who attends Council webinars?

Attendees include public affairs practitioners and executives that work across a broad spectrum of function areas and job titles.

Webinar topics include strategies for best practices in government relations, crisis communications, PAC management, digital advocacy, corporate responsibility and much more.

Webinar marketing emails go to our full list of public affairs professionals and executives.

public affairs webinars


Price Fisher
Programs Associate
202.787.5974 | [email protected]

Unlimited executive education available to your whole team, for one low price.