21 November 2022
9:30-15:00 CET (Brussels)
In person / Virtual
Designed for EU public affairs professionals, this workshop will focus on the practical aspects of EU decision-making, how to influence it, and what will be some of the main issues influencing upcoming EU legislation (policy-wise and procedurally).
Featured Topic & Speaker
This is the latest instance of our popular bi-annual workshop on the EU decision-making process and how and when to influence it.
Key topics include:
- How to influence decision-making inside the European Commission, Council and Parliament
- Trilogues: Timeline, participants, information sources and lobbying
- Regulatory implementing and delegated acts (“comitology”) in practice
- Mapping stakeholders and developing an advocacy strategy
A certificate of training is available to participants, upon request.
András Baneth
Senior Advisor, European Public Affairs
Public Affairs Council
Here is an indication of the content of the training, although this is based on the physical workshop that the webinars are derived from, so the order of topics may differ:
The EU Decision-making System & Trialogues
- Ordinary legislative procedure and timelines
- Qualified majority voting at the Council and working group level
- Trialogues in the OLP process: procedures and reality
- Negotiating teams, composition, mandate, advocacy opportunities
- When OLP ends, “comitology” begins: context and key concepts
Delegated Acts
- The Commission’s role
- Right to oppose and right to revoke for Parliament and Council
- Where and when to influence the process
- Discussion, Q&A
Implementing Measures. Case study
- The Implementing measures regulation: 182/2011
- Examination procedure and its practical consequences
Regulatory Procedure With Scrutiny – and its “legacy”
- The procedure and its applicability today
Practical aspects: working with the procedures & advocacy channels
- Public affairs strategies for each type of act
- Finding information & Identifying EU Stakeholders
Event Location
Ambiorix Center
Square Ambiorix 7,
B-1000, Brussels,
PAC Members: $295 + VAT if applicable
Others: $495 + VAT if applicable
We will follow up with you about payment within two working days.
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