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Workshop: Thinking Like Organization Executives: Business Basics for PA

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June 27, 2019
9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. ET
Washington, DC or Virtual

With every decision, your organization’s executives are thinking about the bottom line, satisfying investors or members, and staying ahead of the competition. What are you thinking about? Learn to think like your leadership and apply that knowledge to your public affairs strategy and approach.

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Featured Topic & Speakers

The most influential public affairs professionals don’t think about policy, regulation and public perception first; they prioritize business goals – and how to advance those goals through public affairs work and tools. We’ll help you make that shift:

  • Understanding and adopting the executive mindset: Factoring financial standing, market conditions, investor or member satisfaction and competitive threats into your thinking.
  • Applying that understanding to your public affairs approach: Building a portfolio of policy, regularly or public perception work that’s rooted in bottom-line business goals.
  • Communicating in a way that leadership understands

This program is part of the Council’s newest programming area, Public Affairs Leadership. These programs help public affairs professionals develop the leadership, management, strategy and communication skills to advance their careers and function, regardless of their specific discipline.

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This program is eligible for 2 Core credits toward the Certificate in Public Affairs Management.

As a CAE Approved Provider educational program related to the CAE exam content outline, this program may be applied for 2 credits toward your CAE application or renewal professional development requirements.

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9:00 a.m.     Why Business Mindset Matters

A quick level set and primer on trends in the public affairs profession – and how adopting an executive mentality can help overcome:

  • Budget challenges
  • Non-public affairs professionals leading public affairs functions or divisions
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Chris Bender
Vice President
Public Affairs Council

9:15 a.m.     Public Affairs Through the Business Lens

Public affairs concerns itself with people and relationships. Business concerns itself with numbers and delivering on goals. To win the attention and trust of your business leadership, it’s critical to learn how they think and apply that mindset to your public affairs approach.

In this session, a business professional turned public affairs professional will help us understand an executive’s way of working:

  • What’s on the mind of an executive, including how leaders view their competitive environment
  • Interpreting an organization’s finances, and how that understanding should factor into public affairs plans
  • How business leaders traditionally view public affairs and what it takes to change their opinion –  and earn a seat at the strategy table
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Sanjay Aggarwal
Director, Global Public Affairs
American Tower

10:15 a.m.     Break

10:30 a.m.     Community Activity and Impact in Business Terms

Using public affairs language to describe your work to colleagues outside of your function? It’s no wonder they may not fully appreciate its importance and impact. Learn to translate your public affairs activities and successes into language understood across an organization:

  • bending and keeping an executive’s ear, and gaining traction with new ideas and initiatives
  • Explaining work from the listener’s perspective, not your perspective
  • Documenting and sharing successes in a way that demonstrates their impact on the “client” (in this case, your leadership)
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Darrin Kayser
Communications Team Lead, Defense Energy Market
Booz Allen Hamilton

11:30 a.m.     Adjourn

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Event Location

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Public Affairs Council
2121 K Street, NW
Suite 900
Washington, DC 20037
Phone: 202.787.5950

*Participants joining the program virtually will receive an email one week beforehand with instructions for logging on to our web-based platform. On the platform, they will be able to listen and participate through any computer or internet-enabled device, see a video of the speakers, and ask questions and participate in the discussion via a chat box.[/vc_toggle]

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Register Online

  • Members: $289
  • Non-Members: $399

Additional discounts may apply to this meeting. These discounts may include:

For multiple registrants: A discount will apply to the standard member/non-member rate for organizations that register two or more participants for the same meeting. The first registrant will pay full price, the second participant will receive a 10% discount and each additional registrant will receive a 15% discount. To register multiple participants, you may either register online or download the print and fax registration form.

Member discounts: Discounts for members are applied to all Public Affairs Council meetings.

Non-members: Join the Council today, and save by registering at the member rate and using the $200 new-member coupon you will receive. Contact our membership team for information about joining the Council.

Questions? Contact us at 202.787.5950.[/vc_toggle]

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