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Virtual Workshop: Corporate PAC Intensive

By December 2, 2020July 25th, 2023Virtual Meeting Landing Pages (CT, Hidden)

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*To improve video quality, click the button on the video that says “HD” and change your settings to 1080. Video quality will vary based on your individual bandwidth. 


Managing a corporate PAC comes with unique challenges including segmenting and targeting your eligible class, payroll deductions and working with HR or other departments. This workshop will dive into compliance, communications and employee engagement considerations for corporate PAC managers.

[vc_separator el_width=”70″][vc_btn title=”Technical Help” color=”juicy-pink” link=”||target:%20_blank|”][vc_btn title=”Slides Coming Soon!” color=”juicy-pink” link=”||target:%20_blank|”]

*Please note that we have only posted the slides that we have permission to share.
