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In Person Roundtable Paris: Global Risk, Political Uncertainty, and the Growing Value of Public Affairs

In-Person Roundtable

Global Risk, Political Uncertainty, and the Growing Value of Public Affairs

17 September 2024
8:30 to 10:00 CET (Paris)
Breakfast roundtable

As we reach the final months of 2024, there is little doubt the transatlantic space still finds itself in a state of “permacrisis”. Political uncertainty in the United States and Europe, combined with major global risks like geopolitical competition, trade tensions and deadly conflicts – just to name a few – mean that governments and businesses are facing unprecedented challenges. How is the public affairs function changing and adapting to these difficult times? How can public affairs leaders demonstrate value and help their organizations thrive in a new era?

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Join this in-person only, senior-level roundtable to hear from public affairs leaders and practitioners and exchange ideas with your peers on topics like:

  • Public affairs in a year of political uncertainty – Lessons learned and insights from across the Atlantic
  • The upcoming presidential elections in the United States: what are the current trends and what do they mean for international public affairs teams?
  • Elections, polarization and political volatility – what are the consequences international businesses need to be mindful of?
  • How are multinational companies and public affairs teams adapting to international risks and global uncertainty?
  • What are the key global risks impacting public affairs teams in France, Europe and the United States in the remainder of 2024 and beyond?

APCO office, Paris
12 bis Rue Kepler,


doug pinkham
Doug Pinkham
Public Affairs Council

Organized in Paris in partnership with our members APCO


PAC Members: Free
APCO Guests: Free

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Amanda Crafford
Program Assistant, European Office
+32 476.639.503 | [email protected]