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Membership Plus+

Your professional development game changer

Membership Plus+ makes executive education available to your whole team, anytime, for one low price. 

Membership Plus+ is an inclusive training option available to all member organizations. This member benefit gives your entire organization access to over 45 Council workshops annually for a flat price of $3,000 in addition to your normal membership dues. Not only would your organization save thousands of dollars in registration fees, your team also will have streamlined access to top-notch professional development opportunities.  

In 30 seconds, hear why Hannah enrolled her team in Membership Plus+

Membership Plus+ Info

How does Membership Plus+ work?

It’s simple. When your organization pays its annual dues, there is now an option to upgrade your membership to Membership Plus+ for an additional fee of $3,000, regardless of your organization’s size. Once enrolled, every employee will have free access to each of our workshops, which can be attended in person or via our custom virtual platform. Your organization may send an unlimited number of employees to our workshops, and there is no limit on how many workshops any one employee can attend. 

Why Should We Consider Membership Plus+?

Organizations can save money while providing executive education and training for their staffs by joining Membership Plus+. Normally, Council workshops carry a registration fee of $299 per person for members, so all it takes is 11 workshop attendances a year to receive a savings. As you look to attract and retain top talent, Membership Plus+ offers a unique opportunity to invest in the skills and expertise of your team. It also removes the hassles of staff having to seek approval or get a payment processed before registering for individual workshops. 

What’s more, Membership Plus+ significantly reduces the cost of earning any of the Council’s three Certificates in Public Affairs Management, Government Relations and Lobbying or PAC and Grassroots Management. 

What does Membership Plus+ include?

Membership Plus+ covers all Council workshops, including programs on government relations, PACs, grassroots advocacy, policy communications, public affairs management, global public affairs, CSR, DEI and other related functions. For 2024, the Council has already planned a slate of over 45 programs on these topics. These workshops are all live-streamed from our Washington, D.C., headquarters, provide at least two hours of content and are available as recordings to those who registered for the live event for the 21 days following the date the program took place.

Frequently Asked Questions


How much can our organization save by signing up for Membership Plus+?

The registration fee for a typical workshop is $299 per person for Council members. Once your staff collectively reaches 11 workshop attendances during the year, you will have recouped your investment. Since Membership Plus+ allows unlimited access to the Council’s 45+ yearly workshops, there is an unlimited amount of potential savings for you and your team.

Will Membership Plus+ reduce the cost of obtaining a certificate from the Public Affairs Council?

Yes. If you’re working toward earning a Council Certificate in Public Affairs Management, Government Relations and Lobbying or PAC and Grassroots Management, you’ll realize a significant savings with Membership Plus+ because virtually all workshops offer required certificate credits.

Who Can Participate?

Which employees in our organization may attend workshops as part of Membership Plus+?

Any employee of a participating organization (and its subsidiaries) may attend Council workshops without paying a registration fee. The employee doesn’t need to be part of the government or public affairs department.

Is there a limit to how many Membership Plus+ workshops our employees can attend?

No, there is no limit to the number of workshops that any single employee can attend.

Is there a limit to the number of employees from my organization that can attend a single workshop?

No, there is no limit to how many employees can attend a particular workshop. However, if the workshop is being held in person in our Washington, D.C., or Brussels offices, then we will limit in-person attendance based on room size. Once capacity for live attendance is reached, the registration option will default all additional participants to the virtual, livestream option.

Is Membership Plus+ available to organizations that are not members of the Public Affairs Council?

No. This benefit is exclusively available to Council members in good standing. To learn more about joining the leading international organization for public affairs professionals, visit

Membership Plus+ Programs

Which Council programs are included in Membership Plus+?

All Council events that include the word “workshop” in their title are included in Membership Plus+. These programs usually run two hours or longer and include both a strategy and tactical component. On the Events page and the full-year downloadable event calendar, these events are designated as Membership Plus+.

Which Council programs are not included in Membership Plus+?

If your organization belongs to Membership Plus+, the only events that have additional registration fees are “Signature Events,” such as the National PAC Conference, Digital Media & Advocacy Summit, Political Compliance Summits, Public Affairs Institute, roundtables hosted in the Council’s European office, etc. View a full list of these Signature Event programs here.

Are workshops presented in person, virtually or both?

Workshops designated “Hybrid” in the title are presented simultaneously in person and live-streamed via our custom virtual platform. For these programs, participants in Membership Plus+ may choose to participate in person (space permitting) or virtually. You may designate your preferred format during the registration process. Workshops designated “Virtual” in the title are only presented virtually. View virtual workshops here.

Are workshop recordings included with Membership Plus+?

Yes, all Council workshops are available to view as a recording for 21 days following the event. If you register for a workshop, you will automatically receive the recording within 7 days, regardless of whether you attended at the time it was originally presented. If you would like to access a past workshop recording, please contact [email protected].

Registering for Workshops

How do my employees register for workshops included in Membership Plus+?

Any employee who is in the Council’s database under a participating organization’s record may register online at When they log into their account, they will also see “Membership Plus: YES” in their profile and the price for workshops will automatically show as $0. No special code is needed. Employees may add themselves to the organization’s record (or check to see if they have an existing account) by going to

There’s a workshop listed on your annual events calendar, but I don’t see it listed on your website yet. How can I register?

Registration for all events in a given year will be open by the end of the first quarter, so please check back at that time. Otherwise, you can email [email protected] to secure your spot before the program is posted online.

Alerting Your Team About Membership Plus+

How will my colleagues know that our organization is participating in Membership Plus+?

Upon receipt of payment, all employees who are in the Council’s database at that time will be sent a welcome message outlining the program. We are happy to provide a roster so that you know who receives Council communications.

What are the best ways to publicize our organization’s Membership Plus+ subscription to our employees?

We encourage you to circulate the welcome message internally and forward it to new colleagues when they join your organization. You can share the full calendar of events and direct them to to see upcoming workshops. Also, alert your human resources department about the subscription and encourage your staff to include Council workshops in their professional development plans. Reach out to us if you’d like a customized orientation session to acquaint your team with Membership Plus+ in addition to your other member benefits (

How will my employees learn about upcoming events?

Council events are publicized primarily via email, so have your IT department ensure that the following domains are listed as “safe senders” on your organization’s server:,, and

Individuals can customize the types of emails that they receive from the Council in the “Communications Preferences” section of their My Account. Note that if someone selects “unsubscribe from all emails,” they will not receive notices of upcoming events.

Logistics: Payment, Renewal, Etc.

When may we begin using our Membership Plus+ benefits?

Full payment of annual membership dues and $3,000 for Membership Plus+ must be received in order to take advantage of the fee-free workshop registrations. If your payment is in progress, please contact [email protected] for registration assistance.

What is the period of my organization’s Membership Plus+ subscription?

Your Membership Plus+ period runs concurrently with your regular (annual) Public Affairs Council membership.

Can my organization add Membership Plus+ prior to our membership renewal period?

The membership team is happy to discuss how your organization can immediately take advantage of Membership Plus+. For details, please contact Membership Engagement Manager Emily Wallace at [email protected] or 202.787.5962.

Can I pay for Membership Plus+ separately from my organization’s dues?

Member organizations can pay annual membership dues and Membership Plus+ separately or together. Upon request, the Council will generate a separate invoice for Membership Plus+. Council dues levels are based on organization type and size while Membership Plus+ is a single flat fee of $3,000, regardless of size.

Does our Membership Plus+ subscription automatically renew?

Your annual membership dues renewal invoice will include a line item for Membership Plus+. You may choose to renew or terminate Membership Plus+ at that time.

What happens if my organization terminates its Membership Plus+ subscription at the end of our membership year?

Any employees registered for free workshops will be contacted at the time of termination to determine if they prefer to cancel or pay the registration fee.

Can I cancel our Membership Plus+ subscription partway through the year?

Yes, but the fee will not be refunded.


Emily Wallace
Senior Manager, Member Engagement
202.787.5962 | [email protected]

Unlimited executive education available to your whole team, for one low price.