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Social Impact Committee

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Current Co-Chairs: Roi Ewell, Ewell and Associates; Maureen Kline, Pirelli Tire North America

Charter: The Social Impact Committee has been formed to provide strategic and programmatic guidance to advance Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) and related sustainability frameworks in support of membership needs and interests. The Committee will continue to advise on priorities pertaining to social progress impacts and deliver programming to support inclusive excellence in the public affairs field.  Key objectives for the Social Impact Committee include:

  • Grow the Council’s network of leaders interested in engaging in cross-sector dialogue on advancing social progress and provide the space to share varied experiences and create tools.
  • Partner with the Foundation for Public Affairs to deliver diverse talent sourcing systems and engagements for the profession.
  • Develop market-relevant educational forums to assist public affairs professionals in understanding and managing all aspects of the business of sustainability with special emphasis on issues management, reputational positioning, and social progress.