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Virtual Workshop: Proving Government Relations Value in Dollars and Cents

By April 6, 2016August 8th, 2023Virtual Meeting Landing Pages (CT, Hidden)

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*To improve video quality, click the button on the video that says “HD” and change your settings to 1080. Video quality will vary based on your individual bandwidth. 

Virtual Workshop: Proving Government Relations Value in Dollars and Cents

Bottom-line business value: That’s what interests your leadership most.  The number of meetings you have with policymakers?  Ultimately, it’s just a number – the outcomes from those meetings, such as a policy decision or future landscape that’s ideal for your industry, is what really matters.  Join this workshop learn to demonstrate the value of government relations work in the language and metrics of business – and get the support and recognition your function needs and deserves.

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*Please note that we have only posted the slides that we have permission to share.


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