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Workshop: Refreshing Your PAC Pitch

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December 11, 2018
10 a.m.−12:15 p.m. ET
Washington, DC or Virtual

Face-to-face presentations and conversations about your PAC are the most effective way to get new donors. But is your pitch a compelling one? Sharing the right message in the right way and being able to respond to any question is critical to gain support. If you’re looking for best practices and new ideas on how to move your PAC forward, join us for insights on what message to share, where to share it and how to get your eligibles excited and motivated to give.

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Featured Topic & Speakers

Join our speakers to discuss:

  • How to explain the value of the PAC and answer tough questions
  • Ideas for jazzing up your PAC presentations and PAC pitch to excite your audience
  • Different presentation styles and settings to fit your audience’s needs and expectations
  • The components of your PAC pitch, including how government affairs and advocacy efforts fit into the conversation
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This program is eligible for 2 PAC credits toward the Certificate in PAC & Grassroots Management.

As a CAE Approved Provider educational program related to the CAE exam content outline, this program may be applied for 2 credits toward your CAE application or renewal professional development requirements.

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10 a.m. Anatomy of an Effective PAC Solicitation
Whether you are pitching PAC participation to your board of directors or training your PAC champions to effectively solicit their peers, asking for money can be uncomfortable. While face-to-face presentations and conversations are cited as the most effective way to gain new supporters, you need a compelling message to share about the importance of your PAC.

Our first panel will better prepare you to speak confidently about the role of your organization’s PAC and calmly respond to questions or objections. Join us to learn:

  • The most effective messages and delivery methods to demonstrate the importance of the PAC
  • Strategies for crafting a positive message and how to respond to common misconceptions or objections to political involvement
  • Tips for broadening the conversation to include the role the PAC plays in your organization’s advocacy efforts
  • New ideas for jazzing up your PAC presentations and motivating your eligible community to get involved

11:15 a.m. Networking Break

11:25 a.m. Exercise: Rethinking Your PAC Pitch
After gaining new insight into effective messaging participants will work in groups to create a PAC presentation and answer the tough questions PAC practitioners so often face. A facilitator will lead a discussion and highlight key takeaways following the exercise.

12:15 p.m. Adjourn

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Event Location

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Public Affairs Council
2121 K Street, NW
Suite 900
Washington, DC 20037
Phone: 202.787.5950

*Participants joining the program virtually will receive an email one week beforehand with instructions for logging on to our web-based platform. On the platform, they will be able to listen and participate through any computer or internet-enabled device, see a video of the speakers, and ask questions and participate in the discussion via a chat box.[/vc_toggle]

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Register Online

  • Members: $289
  • Non-Members: $399

Additional discounts may apply to this meeting. These discounts may include:

For multiple registrants: A discount will apply to the standard member/non-member rate for organizations that register two or more participants for the same meeting. The first registrant will pay full price, the second participant will receive a 10% discount and each additional registrant will receive a 15% discount. To register multiple participants, you may either register online or download the print and fax registration form.

Member discounts: Discounts for members are applied to all Public Affairs Council meetings.

Non-members: Join the Council today, and save by registering at the member rate and using the $200 new-member coupon you will receive. Contact our membership team for information about joining the Council.

Questions? Contact us at 202.787.5950.[/vc_toggle]

Kristin Brackemyre
Senior Director, Public Affairs Practice
202-787-5969 |

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