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Virtual Workshop: Ethical Public Affairs in Government Relations

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June 7, 2023
1:30 p.m.−2:30 p.m. ET

Part of an organization’s advocacy and lobbying strategies should ensure that they are also being held to your own ethical standards and commitments. Find out how to develop ethical guidelines and maintain your organization’s reputation as a good corporate citizen.

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Featured Topic & Speakers

In this workshop, you’ll gain insight into:

  • How to craft a set of clear ethical guidelines that lobbyists, PAC, advocacy and other professionals must follow
  • Strategies for outlining and benchmark your organization’s commitments
  • Aligning your consultants and outside coalitions
  • How to structure a corporate responsibility committee to oversee issues management, and your ethical approach to government affairs
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This program is eligible for 2 credits toward the Certificate in Government Relations and Lobbying and 2 core credits toward the Certificate in Public Affairs Management.

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1:30 PM     Trends in Advocacy and Lobbying 

  • Organizational leadership, voters, activists and customers are placing a larger emphasis on the institutions they financially support and are employed by to adhere to an ethical ethos in their activities. 

In this session, we will discuss recent developments in the government relations space towards corporate and social responsibility efforts, polling on public attitudes and expectations, as well as new political compliance requirements. 

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Jason Abel
Partner, Campaign Finance & Political Law Practice
Steptoe & Johnson

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Michael Beckett
Associate Director, Research Services
State and Federal Communication

2:30 PM     Adjourn 

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Register Online 

Additional discounts may apply to this meeting. These discounts may include:

For multiple registrants: A discount will apply to the standard member/non-member rate for organizations that register two or more participants for the same meeting. The first registrant will pay full price, the second participant will receive a 10% discount and each additional registrant will receive a 15% discount. To register multiple participants, you may either register online or download the print and fax registration form.

Member discounts: Discounts for members are applied to all Public Affairs Council meetings.

Non-members: Join the Council today, and save by registering at the member rate and using the $200 new-member coupon you will receive. Contact our membership team for information about joining the Council.

Questions? Contact us at 202.787.5950.[/vc_toggle]

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