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Webinar: Advocacy Database Management Essentials

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March 16, 2021
10 a.m. – 11 a.m. ET

Is your database holding you back from reaching your advocacy goals? Cleaning up or re-establishing your database can be a challenge – but it’s also crucial to your success. Join us to learn how to manage and maintain an advocacy database that will set you up for legislative victories.

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Featured Topic & Speakers

Featured Topics and Speakers:

  • How to conduct an audit of your current database and identify errors, gaps and missing information
  • Tips and strategies for collecting accurate and useful data
  • Tricks for organizing your database according to your unique community and goals
  • Ways to maintain and frequently update the database to keep you on track
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Thank you to our sponsor!

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This program is eligible for 1 Grassroots specialization credit toward the Certificate in PAC & Grassroots Management, 1 Specialization credit toward the Certificate in Government Relations and Lobbying  and 1 Elective credit toward the Certificate in Public Affairs Management.

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Member: FREE
Non-Member: $125

Recording Only
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Member: FREE
Non-Member: $125
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Additional discounts may apply to this meeting. These discounts may include:

For multiple registrants: A discount will apply to the standard member/non-member rate for organizations that register two or more participants for the same meeting. The first registrant will pay full price, the second participant will receive a 10% discount and each additional registrant will receive a 15% discount. To register multiple participants, you may either register online or download the print and fax registration form.

Member discounts: Discounts for members are applied to all Public Affairs Council meetings.

Non-members: Join the Council today, and save by registering at the member rate and using the $200 new-member coupon you will receive. Contact our membership team for information about joining the Council.

Questions? Contact us at 202.787.5950.[/vc_toggle]

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