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Management Consulting

By January 22, 2019Top Level Pages (LH)
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Our most comprehensive offering will help you reorganize your function for greater impact. Management consulting projects include:

  • Organization audit
  • Comparative analysis
  • Executive interviews with PA and non-PA stakeholders exploring issues related to understanding of the function, integration of the organization’s strategic planning process, performance measurement and ability to create change in policy, regulatory and/or public perception change
  • 360-degree assessment of the function via surveys by internal and/or external stakeholders

Our findings come with a detailed set of strategic recommendations to move your function towards one that’s best-in-class. We will suggest specific plans and tactics for addressing your challenges and turning them into strengths.

As a final step, our staff will craft a presentation and facilitate a discussion with your key team members to explain how your public affairs function works – and how it could be improved.