Our staff in Europe and the U.S. can provide customized presentations and training. Members can request free briefings, as well as robust, customized training and presentations for a reduced fee. Cost depends upon the complexity of the presentation, duration of the event, location and amount of preparation required.
Our team is happy to discuss your needs and create a customized program for your organization.
Potential topics include:
- EU public affairs trends;
- How the EU works — in general and from your industry’s perspective;
- The use of social media for advocacy;
- Measuring public affairs value;
- Maximizing international public affairs capabilities;
- Working with the European media;
- Advocacy at the EU and member state level;
- Best practices across all areas of public affairs, including procedures and “comitology”;
- Thought leadership and content creation through public affairs; and
- Strategic communication for public affairs.
Interested? Contact András Baneth to discuss your needs.
András Baneth
Senior Advisor, European Office
(+32) 496.20.14.16 | [email protected]