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The Council has compiled the most complete list of members of Congress currently using Snapchat. Some account are used for campaign purposes, while others focus on legislative activites. Check out this page and start following these legislators.

Public affairs professionals who use digital advertising for advocacy or government relations purposes can sometimes find advertising terms confusing. While far from being an exhaustive list, the terms defined in this guide will help non-marketing professionals understand key concepts in this burgeoning arena.

The Council has compiled a list of best-in-class association examples of how Twitter can be used effectively to accomplish public affairs goals.

Novozymes and the American Bar Association received the Council’s 2016 Grassroots Innovation Awards for their creative and effective approaches to engaging, empowering and activating their grassroots advocates.

In this video, Council Vice President Sheree Anne Kelly explains that agility is important in an international public affairs function because of limited staffing resources and challenging political and business climates.

Our guide covers the basics of public affairs in Russia, as well as recent economic and political developments that could affect your function’s operations in the region — and how to respond accordingly.

Read about several successful examples of projects that match an organization’s core skills, products and CSR focus with the specific needs of the communities in which they operate.

Building a peer-to-peer program takes time. Before you begin recruiting peers, you have to build internal support, collect your information and develop tools to help them succeed. This members-only resource will guide you through these opening stages.

“Political risk” is what politicians face when they take an unpopular stand. But political risk has other meanings, including corporations’ gauging of the business climate of emerging markets. Public affairs professionals should embrace this definition when dealing with an unstable political environment at home.

Government affairs departments are often asked to do more with less, so they must work smarter, which often means engaging consultants. But finding the right consultant can be difficult. A new report from the Foundation for Public Affairs will help make that process easier.

Why don’t people trust major corporations? And why don’t they give them credit for trying to be responsible and sustainable? These may sound like simple questions, but as the newly released 2015 Public Affairs Pulse survey shows, they’re not.

Do your key internal stakeholders have a clear understanding of the value grassroots brings to your organization and advocacy? Being able to answer that question with an emphatic “yes” requires three steps, says the Council’s Rikki Amos.

Connecting with policymakers on social media can seem daunting, but it need not be difficult. The Council’s Rikki Amos suggests 10 tips for engaging legislators that you can put to use today.

The effect Millennials have on politics and business today may be exaggerated, but to ignore their future impact would be ill-advised.

Government affairs departments face many challenges hiring consultants. What are effective ways of managing and measuring their performance?

How many officials are working in the 28-nation EU today? And how many groups are clamoring for their attention? This new Council infographic provides useful facts and figures about EU membership, staffing and procedures, along with best practices for public affairs in the region.
One of the most important things to know about EU-level decision-making is that it takes a long time to enact new policy. Policymaking can take two to four years (including preparatory time), so patience, persistence and understanding are key. This members-only presentation simplifies major processes at play.

What are the most effective ways to demonstrate the value of your work, and how can you ensure leadership views public affairs as a necessity?

With overseas corporate bribery scandals making headlines in recent years, anti-corruption and compliance issues have received renewed attention from the international business community. But transparent and compliant public affairs efforts can help companies avoid risk. This members-only resource provides basic information on the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the U.K. Bribery Act and other key anti-corruption statutes.

As the 2014 EU elections approach and EU-U.S. trade negotiations heat up, enrollment in the Joint Transparency Register is a best practice for effective public affairs management. This members-only resource provides background on why it’s important to register.

Brazil and other young democracies in South America offer new opportunities for political involvement in the region. But when it comes to campaign finance, it’s crucial to know the rules before you act. This brief resource will help.

To communicate effectively using social media, organizations must rethink traditional outreach strategies and stop trying to control the conversation, says Adfero Group’s Jeff Mascott.

Public affairs efforts are challenging in any setting, and each region has its own unique hurdles. The Council’s András Baneth shares some “lessons learned” for making future EU public affairs campaigns more successful.