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Takeaways: March 2021

Did you know laughter can help you retain political information? Or that facts might not help you win a moral argument? Check it out and much more in our monthly roundup of the news and articles you need to read.

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Let’s Cut PACs Some Slack

Americans have wrestled with how to fund elections for most of our country’s history. But a world without corporate PACs could lead to more dishonesty and more extreme candidates. Council President Doug Pinkham explores why PACs are campaign finance reform that works.

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How Lincoln Project Helped Dump Trump

What do you consider revolutionary? Helping to oust the incumbent president of your own party? We spoke with one of the Lincoln Project’s founders Mike Madrid about the tactics behind their bold campaign and what advocacy professionals can apply to their own work.

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Is the ‘B Corp Movement’ Changing Capitalism?

What do companies like Patagonia and Ben & Jerry’s have in common? They’re part of a growing movement of companies with a mission that goes beyond making a profit for shareholders. Author Christopher Marquis explains the evolution of B Corp, the issues it supports and the potential for backlash.

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Have Those Who Took the “No PAC Pledge” Been Taken?

With a new administration come new ethics rules and discussions of campaign finance reform. While the “No PAC Pledge” has gained popularity with some candidates, polling data show Americans view PACs as an acceptable way to fund elections. Council President Doug Pinkham explores how the pledge plays into election outcomes.

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Spotlight on … Lisa Calderon

Newly elected to the California State Assembly, Calderon discusses the unlikely roots of her interest in public affairs and the importance of negotiation and compromise. She also shares why being a National PAC Conference alum has been an invaluable experience.

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How Social Media Changes Our Brains

From the office to your news feed – the pandemic has led to an even greater reliance on social media. MIT professor and author Sinan Aral explains the neuroscience behind why we love to scroll and why it’s becoming more difficult to tell fake news from facts.

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New Council Chair Announces Top Priorities

An active Council member since the ’90s, Board Chair Peter Wilkinson is setting a plan of action for the year ahead. He’s also taking the helm as both the first Canadian and international chair, with a first priority on diversity, equity and inclusion.

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Spotlight on … Ed Lewis

From working on multimillion-dollar campaigns to communicating complex issues, Toyota’s public policy communications director discusses the art of messaging, what he learned as a reporter, and the importance of open discussions about social justice. He also shares why speech writing is like taking a long road trip.

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A Visit with Jack Quinn III

As head of state government affairs at Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Quinn offers his thoughts on how the lobbying world is shifting now that in-person contact has paused. He also shares what he wishes other public affairs pros knew about legislators.

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The Write Stuff

Alan Crawford write stuff

Just because this word has been around for 200 years doesn’t mean it will be effective in your writing. Let’s kill this zombie once and for all.

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