Adverbs are running amok! We respectfully ask you to read on for more on this truly engaging topic.
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Adverbs are running amok! We respectfully ask you to read on for more on this truly engaging topic.
This month’s writing advice gets to the bottom of cause and effect. And the Annoying Word of the Month is downright folksy.
George Orwell didn’t just warn us of a dystopian future; he also provided some no-nonsense guidelines for good writing.
Don’t let your writing be part of the “infodemic.” And leave this annoying word of the month out of your next political conversation.
Stop piling on the jargon; it doesn’t make you sound smart. And strip this stale expression from your vocabulary.
Don’t awkwardize or uglyize your writing. Read this month’s tip before turning nouns into verbs in your next piece.
From the office to your news feed – the pandemic has led to an even greater reliance on social media. MIT professor and author Sinan Aral explains the neuroscience behind why we love to scroll and why it’s becoming more difficult to tell fake news from facts.
Scrambling for synonyms? Here’s a writing tip that makes it easier. When you’re quoting an expert, this simple word is almost always best.
From working on multimillion-dollar campaigns to communicating complex issues, Toyota’s public policy communications director discusses the art of messaging, what he learned as a reporter, and the importance of open discussions about social justice. He also shares why speech writing is like taking a long road trip.